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Food Insecurity

Problem Spaces

Access to nutritious food – Find creative ways to reduce barriers for individuals who lack easy access to healthy food. Consider challenges like the high cost of fuel, long distances to walk or bike with heavy groceries, and difficulties in coordinating public transportation to reach food sources. ​


Program efficiency – Revolutionize food access programs in SLO by optimizing internal operations. Improve stakeholder communication and increase involvement to ensure these programs are running at peak efficiency and are able to reach more people in need. ​


Limitations to benefits – Simplify the application process for government assistance programs like CalFresh, and create solutions to reduce stigma around food assistance. By addressing the reluctance some individuals have in seeking help, you’ll advocate for proven solutions to alleviate hunger and make it easier for eligible people to access the support they need.


​Food Bank operations - Forecast need (how much food to bring to upcoming distributions); identify neighborhoods that would be strong contenders for additional support. 


Recruit volunteers - Find ways to bring in more volunteers, especially in the summer.


Food access for vulnerable communities - Find ways to ensure anonymity while still gathering data that allows the food bank to serve more effectively


Make it easier to sign up for CalFresh - Create tools like an automatic sign-up or plain-language translator for CalFresh and other social services. 


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