Camp PolyHacks 2025 Tracks
How will SLO navigate urban challenges differently in 2035? Your mission is to reimagine how cities can become smarter, more sustainable, and more equitable for everyone. Tackle issues like distracted driving, inefficient public transit, unaffordable housing, and packaging/recycling. You will work with your group to create original ideas that improve daily life, reduce environmental impact, and make urban spaces safer and more inclusive for all.​​​
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Thousands of Cal Poly students have reported that they do not have enough to eat and don’t know where their next meals will come from. Your task is to develop creative solutions to support easier access to resources such as free groceries and help food banks serve their clients more effectively in order to provide relief and nourishment to the residents of SLO County. With the increasing cost of groceries, now more than ever, good quality food is inaccessible for too many. Let’s leverage modern technology to improve access to the most foundational human need — food.
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How can journalists connect with audiences in a way that builds trust, encourages news consumption, fights misinformation and closes coverage gaps to make sure no community or issue goes unreported? Collaborate with your team to develop innovative tools that shape the evolution of local news and contribute to building a more informed and connected community.​
Develop innovative solutions to mental health challenges, including loneliness, which is a growing problem in today’s fast-paced world. Your goal is to create an idea that fosters meaningful connections and promotes mental well-being in different communities across cultures, languages and similar barriers to belonging. From social media isolation to a lack of accessibility to community groups and clubs, it is up to you to bring people together and encourage a sense of community.